The main goal of the project is the research and development of a modern autonomous system for the detection of the dangerous traffic situations. The proposed system takes advantage of a camera module that detects vehicle trajectories and based on the knowledge it evaluates dangerous situations in real time. If a dangerous situation occurs, the system forwards the information for the further processing. The processing is based on adaptation of the variable traffic sign and may also include procedures for possible driver punishment. The important part of the proposed system will be the statistical evaluation of the traffic load including e.g. the number of intersection crossings in the individual directions, the average speed at intersection in a particular time horizon, the frequency of vehicle categories according to regular expressions and others. The system will also allow local environmental monitoring by measuring physical quantities (temperature, humidity, air quality, etc.). The partial goal is research and development of advanced software that detects traffic violations and processes statistical data from the traffic section. Modern cryptographic methods will be used to secure data transfers. The aim is to ensure a high level of system security according to the latest recommendations to provide protection against cyber attacks. The system is in line with the objectives of intelligent specialization Vehicles for 21st Century: Automotive by maintaining road safety and improving the processes and services for intelligent transport systems. Developed methods for advanced image processing and secure telematics and secure data collection can be further implemented in other technologies such as Smart Cities, Industry 4.0 and Smart Society.
AŽD Praha s.r.o.